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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are signing up for a basic course, you need no prior experience! If you are signing up for an intermediate course, you should have learned your language for about one year. Our learning approach has been designed to introduce a language to beginners/intermediate students, so we do not recommend our courses for those who have studied their language for more than one year.

Our basic and intermediate courses are both 8 weeks long. You will meet with your tutor once a week, for about one hour.

You will need a device (preferably a laptop), Zoom software, paper, a writing utensil, and a positive attitude 🙂

No! The focus of our courses is to spark an interest in a language, not to induce stress! We would rather have students engaged in learning because they enjoy it, not because of a grade or a test.

On our “Be a Student” page, you will find links to the google forms. Please be sure to fill out the correct form (there is a separate form for Indian students). Once you fill out the form, our coordinator will read through your responses and will match you with a tutor. Check your email often for our official welcome letter.

Yes, we do. We provide a certificate of completion for your respective course. If you complete all of the homework, you will receive the certificate of completion.

Yes, we’ve found that students who are at least 10 years old to be best suited for our courses. Please stay tuned for kids courses, which are currently being developed!